Thursday, July 24, 2008

i hate ford F....1........trucks

So eventful day yesterday.

it first the stupid HEB parking lot.


It shocked me so much!!!!!!!! i was shaking!

But i am glad that my parents came to my rescue and helped me when the cops came and walked me through all the paper work for it......THANKS!

Aaron talked at church last night about the story of adam and his son. He really just put it in palin english that we can not just run to God when everything is bad and exspect him to make everything better.......and i really struggle with tht.

perfect example was yesterday at the wreck....i prayed so much...i was thanking and asking for stuff. Then wwhen Aaron did his lesson it really hit me like a ton of bricks.

Gosh talk about a wake up call!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ha ha ha

so i would like you to try and keep me accountable for this....see if i am talking to God more than just when i need him!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But then there is an up to this......he gave me a great person in my life by the name of Andrew. ha ha or AJ! People say that we are always together everywhere we go....ha ha ha it is somewhat tru! But he is soooooooo great he is a perfect person to have in my liofe right now....i can tell him anything and he will listen and try to help me.

he makes me smile when i am in a bad mood, ha ha ha he is the ying and my yang ha ha ha as my mom puts it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i am just so happy yo have him in my life the way he is


1 comment:

david gamboa said...

i like reading your blogs the most kidd.