Monday, July 14, 2008

$1,000 dollar shopping spree

My mom just won a shopping spree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LUCKY!!!!!!!!!!

Drama seems to just come back into my life from one little part of my life though. they just think to much and likes to tlak about it to everyone apparently.


last night i had a little bit of a scare! I got a call form my friend saying she saw my BF at sonic and he was with a girl.....i freaked out!!!!!!!!! and she would not tell me her name until i dragged it out of her and it was RYAN GREEN!!!!!!!! i laughed mt head off and had to tell her that they are just like best friends and they hang out a lot together. that was one werid night i must say!!!!!!!!

I got my AP test grades back....the verdict is a 3 in english and a 1 in history! wow history is a little bit of a shocker, i thought i would of atleast of got a 2 but w/e!

So if i get enough scholarship parents with max tht money and get my a car!!!!!!!!! so i am so motivated right now ti rack up that money in hopes to get a HONDA PILOT!!!!!!!! geese that would be great to get that car!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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