Sunday, September 7, 2008

I am sorry.....

I am sorry that i am not what you wanted me to be.
I am sorry i can't make all your dreams come true
I am sorry your time seems to be wasted with me.
I am sorry i am burden to you both.
I am sorry that i did not follow what you had to say to a T.
I am sorry that everyday it is not just flowers and sunshine when i come home.
I am sorry that i try so hard to be strong and show that i am being resopnisible i guess it just was not enough.
I am sorry that i am not the brainy girl you wanted mom or the creative artisty one for you dad.
I am sorry that i never went over and beyond what was expected me for yall.
I am sorry that i never kept Jacob undercontrol or kept this family together.
I am sorry that i seem to put to much stress on you both when all i wanted to do was be the gilr that you could bragg about to al your friends mom.
Most of all i am sorry for hurting you in every way i did; i never ment to;i never tried to make you sad.

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