Saturday, January 17, 2009

Hanging with friends like the times we just hang out at Ryan's, and the not too long ago GIRLS NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!! :] That night was really needed for all four of me ryan becca and bre. It was sooo funny to see how we matched up with the four girls of Sex In The City. We each related to a girl in some way and how some stuff was so right on it was so crazy. Becca was Miranda the career girl, the one that has everything in order all the time, Bre was Samantha the wild carefree one that always has something to do or go to, Ryan as Charlotte the nice preppy motherly one, the one that we all love and me as Carrie i really dont see how she matches with me relly.!??!?! IDK. hahaha but we had fun eating ice cream with our eyes clued to the tv watching all the girls go through live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All this made me think of how with alll the roles that we connected with is there anyway that are lives could resemble those four girls in anyway? would i be the one who cant get married would becca really be the career mother bre be the one who is fashion forward with a great social and ryan being the mother of us all?!?!?!


Saturday, January 10, 2009

let the words flow....

Last night me and my dad sat outside on the back porch and i helped him write a song. It was so great....he played the music and started to sing and i helped him fill in some words and what not. The point of the song is for my parents anniversory soming up and i found out my dad has been coming up with this song for a month now. The words were so great they all had to do with something thewy have done together or the way my dad felt when they first held hands in the park or went to disneyland. :] today i thought it would be a good idea to get him a journal so he could write down what he somes up with cause he never did before he just kept it in his head and came up with the music for it later. last night was a special night for me and my dad i really got to see and experience his true feelings for my mom for the first time it just took 18 years to see it.