Sunday, August 31, 2008

A bomb has exploded right infront of me

The first week of my senior year is over. I wish i could say that this year is going to be a piece of cake....but it is more like a whirpool pf things that i need to get! Whether it is just waking up on time for school or it is to making sure i can follow insructions for applications to a T. So many things to but all i want to do is slow down and enjoy what i have in my life right now. Just want to be creative and be care free of what i want to do. Why is it that i feel so out of place with everything? i am going through the motions but i feel nothing when i do them.

I come to realize that by doing all things i need to do my happiness suffers. And to love your life is to be happy. But if i dont do the things i need to do my life might not be as happy in 10 years as i thouht it would be. so how do you compromise it?

I have turned my back on some things that have made me truely happy in the past. And trying to turn back around seems to be and a little scary to me.

Friday, August 8, 2008

All i need, is the air i breathe

GREAT things going on in my life!!!!!!!!!!! I love where i am at and where things are going


1. I got a new car....I.E. corolly polly(andrew named it)

2. i had an interview at was great and i love the kids that go there and most of all i get to work with RYAN!!!!!!!! i hope i get the job

3. i got a letter from a college in KANSAS and they want to recruit me for cross country which is great but i am not running this year... :/ so i wonder how this is going to go!

well three updates feel like a lot to me! I am just so happy
